May 2017 - Free Will Christ Potter´s House Ministries e.V.

Sunday service start from 10.00 - 14.00----------Bible studies is on every Wednesday from 19.00 - 21.00----------Deliverance Service every 1st Wednesday in the month from 19.00 - 21.00---------- Every 3rd Tuesday of the month we have a Night of Hope Service from 19.00 - 21.00----------All Night is in every last Friday in a month from 22.00 - 02.00
Sunday Service every Sunday 10.00 --- Instant Miracle Prayers every Wednesday at 19.00 --- Night of Hope Service every 3rd Tuesfay starting 19.00 CET
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Confession of Faith > 2017
Confession of Faith 02/17

Let all evil friends make mistakes that would expose them, in the name of Jesus.

Let the strongmen from both sides of my family begin to fight and destroy themselves, in the name of Jesus.

O Lord, let not Your perfect peace depart from me.

I refuse to put on the garment of tribulation prepared by my enemies, in the name of Jesus.

O Lord, give unto me the spirit that flees from sin.

Let the secrets of hidden and open enemies be revealed, in the name of Jesus.

Let every satanic net fashioned against me receive destruction, in the name of Jesus.

I embrace the divine fire from above, in the name of Jesus.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I remove my name and my life from any book of failure.

Father Lord, re-organise my life according to Your own will, in the name of Jesus. ,

Father Lord, begin to repair those things in my life that I have destroyed with my own hands, in the name of Jesus.

Let shame be poured out upon all the powers struggling to put me to shame, in the name of Jesus.

O Lord, begin to set me free from any physical and spiritual bondage.

Let the ground open up now, and begin to swallow every problem in my life now, in the name of Jesus.

O Lord, walk back through every second of my life and begin to make me whole.

O Lord, go back into my third and fourth generations and break all unprofitable family ties.

Set me free, O Lord, from any negative force transmitted to me in my mother's womb.

Farnhornstieg 10, 22525 Hamburg, Germany
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