Prophetess Pastor Princess Wicke - Free Will Christ PotterĀ“s House Ministries e.V.

Sunday service start from 10.00 - 14.00----------Bible studies is on every Wednesday from 19.00 - 21.00----------Deliverance Service every 1st Wednesday in the month from 19.00 - 21.00---------- Every 3rd Tuesday of the month we have a Night of Hope Service from 19.00 - 21.00----------All Night is in every last Friday in a month from 22.00 - 02.00
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Prophetess(Pastor) Princess Wicke

She has been involved in Christian ministry since her childhood and was called by God at the age of eight years.
Even at this age many of the visions she saw came to pass. These circumstances made her parents aware that she was chosen by God for a special purpose.

Today, the prophetic gifts have increased and, in addition, the Holy Spirit has endowed her with the gift of healing.

She served under Bishop Joe M.Fears (in Napoli/Italy), Pastor Peter Enyan (Napoli/Italy) and Rev. Emmanuel (Essen/Germany) through whom she was called and odained into both offices of Evangelist and Pastor.

God continues to use her to deliver His people from bondage and all kinds of diseases, witchcraft and much more.Through that many people have given their lives to Christ.

She is a good listener and councelor; very friendly and kindhearted. She wants to use the gifts God has given her to glorify Him.

In Exodus 4:21, the Lord told Moses to perform all the wonders He had given him before Pharaoh. Similarly, Pastor Princess feels called to carry the word and power of God,

in a demonstrative manner, to our generation.

She was called into the office of Evangelist in April 2009 after which she started to build up this ministry. Her ordination into the office of a Pastor followed in September 2010.
A soft-spoken woman outside of the pulpit, she has a rare ability to reach and stir her audiences.
If you want to contact Pastor Princess, you can sent her an email by clicking here.

Farnhornstieg 10, 22525 Hamburg, Germany
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